Avram Shannon on Jeremiah (week of Oct. 10, first to listen to)

The Scriptures Are Real by Kerry Muhlestein

Episode notes

In this episode Avram and Kerry discuss the background to the book of Jeremiah and Jeremiah's call and what all of this has to do with us.

You can find a chart correlating the chapters in Jeremiah the the historical chapters of 2 Kings, and a chart putting all of the chapters of Jeremiah in chronological order (as best we can) at Kerry's website: https://www.outofthedust.org/old-testament-aids/.

Kerry and Avram mention the book "Glimpses of Lehi's Jerusalem," which can be found at https://mi.byu.edu/book/glimpses-of-lehi-s-jerusalem/.

We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited this episode, and f ... 

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