Why the West picks guns over diplomacy, with Vijay Prashad

The World Unspun by New Internationalist

Episode notes

The West may be losing control over the world’s resources but it still dominates weapons systems and information. Vijay Prashad explains why some world leaders are effectively arms dealers and how this influences diplomacy.

Read NI553: The Arms Trade

Host: Maxine Betteridge-Moes

Credits: Maxine Betteridge-Moes (Producer, Digital Editor), Amy Hall, Bethany Rielly, Conrad Landin, Nick Dowson (Co-Editors), Paula Lacey (Editorial Assistant), Samuel Rafanell-Williams (Sound Design), Nazik Hamza (Audio Editor), Mari Fouz (Logo Design), Thomas Barlow, Impress (Media Consultant)


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authoritarianismactivismarms tradeneoliberalism