BTS Podcast Episode 1: Executive Producer, Julia Munder

Tales from Davidstown - Supernatural Werewolf Audio Drama by RO Pictures Ltd.

Episode notes

Hello dear residents! We're kicking off another offering of content for you all now by adding our very own podcast, presented by Louella. In it, we'll be talking about all things TfD with our actors, writers, producers, and other members of the creative team. In addition, we'll have other guests from the future who will chat about horror/fantasy/thrillers in general! With this podcast, we'll be able to keep you all up to date with all the happenings and plans we're working on with Tales from Davidstown and give you an insight into what's going on behind the scenes! In this first pilot episode, Louella chats with our Executive Producer, Julia, who discusses the series' past and present and her plans for the future of this female werewolf led supernatural saga!

0:00 - Intro

1:30 - How did Tales from Davidstown come to be?

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