Episode notes
This Sunday, Pastor Candace shared her talk entitled, "The Dwelling Place".
There are callings that we long to step into, people we long to be, and things that we’ve been praying for, to come to pass. A key part of us growing into all of this is being full of the Spirit of God, growing our understanding of God’s heart for us, and learning to walk with Him.
From the garden to the grave, God’s heart was always to be with us, and it’s important for us to understand the context for Him putting His Spirit in us. In the new testament Jesus steps on the human scene and is the fulfillment of what was prophesied. He paid the ultimate price of giving His life to reconcile us to God. INCREDIBLE!
In all His extravagant love, He didn’t stop by just coming to be with us (Immanuel), but He also came to dwell in us!
Where we choose to liv ...
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