Episode notes
A new financial year brings about new opportunities to not only minimise your tax, but also maximise your wealth. Investing in real estate has always been a very popular way to build wealth, but without being equipped with the right education and understanding of what is actually involved, it can cause more harm than good.
Louie chats with Clem and Noel to learn how the "SCPA" concept came about, why it fits within the overall SCBA service structure, what the "PRESI" model is all about (Profile, Risk, Education, Strategy, Invest), and - most importantly - why you should consult with us when undertaking your property investment journey.
Contact us:
E: admin@scba.com.au
P: (03) 5018 6444
Disclaimer: Shooting for the Stars Podcast is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute accounting, lega ...
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