Inclusive Stories: For parents raising nuerodivergent children

by Inclusive Stories

Welcome to Inclusive Stories, a podcast dedicated to supporting and empowering parents of neurodivergent children with a focus on ethnic minority families.

I'm Brooklyn, a mum living in London, on a mission to champion diversity and inclusivity for neurodivergent children. As a proud mother of two exceptional boys on the autism spectrum, I understand the unique challenges and joys that come with raising neurodiverse ch ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Creating a more inclusive world - one story at a time.


    Creating a more inclusive world - one story at a time.


    Welcome to Inclusive Stories, a podcast dedicated to supporting and empowering neurodivergent families, We'll be discussing the challenges that neurodivergent parents face when navigating the education and healthcare systems for their children. As a parent of a neurodivergent child, it can be difficult to know where to turn for support and guidance.One of the biggest hurdles that neurodivergent families face is navigating the education system. Navigating the education and healthcare systems can be a daunting task for neurodivergent families. However, by being proactive, seeking out resources and support, and advocating for your child's needs, parents can help ensure that their child receives the best possible care and education.

  • Season 1

  • Journey to a New Normal: Embracing Autism and Celebrating Differences

    Journey to a New Normal: Embracing Autism and Celebrating Differences

    The Importance of Inclusivity and Neurodiversity Explored in the First Episode of "Inclusive Stories Podcast", host Brooklyn, shares her personal journey of raising a neurodivergent child in the show's debut episode. She talks about the challenges she faced in getting a diagnosis for her child and coming to terms with the "new normal" that came with it. As a black mother, she also discusses the stigma attached to raising a neurodivergent child.Brooklyn's story highlights the significance of accepting differences and appreciating neurodiversity. She emphasizes how crucial it is to support children with the resources they need to thrive. Through her experiences, Brooklyn raises awareness of the need for inclusive and compassionate systems for neurodivergent individuals and their families, especially in ethnic minority communities."Journey to a New Normal: Embracing Autism and Celebrating Differences" is an inspiring and informative episode that promotes understanding, acceptance, and inclusion for all individuals.

  • Mindful Parenting: Cultivating a Deeper Connection with Your Neurodivergent Child

    Mindful Parenting: Cultivating a Deeper Connection with Your Neurodivergent Child

    Welcome to Inclusive Stories, where we strive to create a more inclusive world, one story at a time. In today's episode, we focus on Mindful Parenting with our guest, Kristin Schmoke. Kristin is an experienced educator, a Neurodivergent parent, and a mindful parenting coach who helps parents cultivate a deeper connection with their Neurodivergent child. Throughout the episode, Kristin shares her experience of parenting a child on the autism spectrum and provides practical tips and strategies for parents who may be facing challenges in connecting with their Neurodivergent child. She emphasizes the importance of patience, empathy, and self-compassion and encourages parents to focus on their child's strengths rather than their challenges. Kristin's insights are invaluable for any parent who wants to build a stronger, more meaningful relationship with their child. Mindful parenting is a powerful practice that can transform the way we interact with our children. By being present and non-judgmental, we can create a deeper connection and understanding of our child's unique needs and abilities. This episode of Inclusive Stories is a must-listen for any parent who wants to improve their relationship with their child. We hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed creating it. Thank you for joining us on our journey of creating a more inclusive world, one story at a time.

  • Breaking Down The Stigma Around Autism in Ethnic Minority Communities

    Breaking Down The Stigma Around Autism in Ethnic Minority Communities

    I am excited to share an amazing conversation I had with Tola Andu, a health care professional, parent advocate and founder of the TOLA ANDU Foundation. In this episode, we dive into Tola's journey as a parent of a child on the autism spectrum and discuss the challenges she faced along the way. We talk about the importance of creating a supportive community for parents of children on the autism spectrum, overcoming stigma, and prioritising self-care as a parent. We also chat about advocating for your child in the education system, choosing the right school, and collaborating with schools to ensure the success of neurodivergent children. Plus, we get to learn more about the TOLA ANDU Foundation and its mission to create awareness and support for neurodivergent children in Nigeria. So grab a cuppa and join us for an insightful conversation on navigating parenthood as a parent of a child on the autism spectrum and breaking down the stigma around autism in ethnic minority communities. Takeaways: - Creating a supportive community for parents of children on the autism spectrum is key. - Overcoming stigma is possible by prioritising your child's needs and not caring about others' opinions. - Advocacy is crucial in the education system and obtaining necessary support for children with autism. - Choosing the right school for a neurodivergent child is important to prioritise their needs. - Collaboration between schools and parents is essential for the success of neurodivergent children. - The education system needs improvements in terms of resources and support for neurodivergent children. - The TOLA ANDU Foundation is doing amazing work to create awareness and support for neurodivergent children in Nigeria. Learn more here

  • Navigating the EHCP Process: A Parent's Guide

    Navigating the EHCP Process: A Parent's Guide

    In this episode, Tessa Philbert, a SEN Law expert, discusses the importance of SEN Law and her journey in the field. She highlights the importance of understanding the eligibility criteria for obtaining a EHCP. Tessa emphasises the role of parents in gathering evidence and overcoming challenges in the tribunal process. In this part of the conversation, we discuss the EHCP assessment process, common challenges faced by parents, evidence gathering, ensuring an accurate EHCP, effective collaboration with professionals, timelines and deadlines, sharing the final EHCP plan, and resources and support networks for parents. In this conversation, Tessa discusses the accessibility of support organisations and the need for personalised support for parents of children with special educational needs. She shares success stories and best practices from parents who have navigated the Annual Review process. This episode also highlights the challenges in school-local authority relationships and the importance of advocacy and support. Tessa provides guidance on appealing a refusal to assess and emphasises the importance of evaluating progress and evidence. Takeaways Understanding the EHCP assessment process is crucial for parents to navigate the system effectively. Parents may face challenges such as local authorities not following the correct legal tests or delaying assessments. Parents should gather relevant evidence and ensure that professionals conduct thorough assessments. Collaboration with professionals is essential to ensure the best outcome for the child. Parents should be aware of the timelines and deadlines in the EHCP process and take action if they are not met. The final EHCP plan may not be shared with all professionals involved, and parents should communicate with the school to ensure proper implementation. You can find Tessa on Instagram @infinitysend44 and email