Malka e Saba & Hazrat Suleman

Furqan Qureshi Blogs by furqan Qureshi Blogs

Episode notes

Chapter 16. "Bayt Al Maqdis" Sunday Night 8:00PM Release.


01. The temple of Solomon

02. The master architect

03. The throne of Suleman a.s

04. Teleportation

05. The story of the Queen of Sheba

06. An African book

07. The country of Saba

08. The mysteries of teleportation

09. The bending of space and time

10. The hoopoo of Suleman a.s

11. The reason behind the kingdom of Suleman

12. The three prayers

Welcome to the 15th chapter of 40,000 Years Of Knowledge series. In this chapter,

I will tell you about two thrones, The throne of Hazrat Suleman a.s (King Solomon) and the throne of Malika Bilqees or Malika Saba (The Queen of Sheba). I will tell you how could it have been possible to teleport the throne of Sheba from Yemen to Je ... 

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IslamReligiousFurqan Qureshi BlogsHistorymysteriesIslamic HistoryHistory Of IslamQuranic WisdomQuran And ScienceIslam And ScienceIslamic Documentary40,000 Years Of KnowledgeDocumentaryjinnat ki duniyacreation of jinncreation of jinn islamjinnat ki haqeeqatjinnat kaise hote hainjinnat kaise Dikhte hainjinnatpowerful jinnMagicMagic And Jinnjadu aur jinnatReality of SoulCreation of ManCreation of LifeHabeel QabeelQoum e NoohThe book of EnochThe Great FloodToofan e NoohThe flood tabletQoum e LootThe mummy of RamsesFountain Of YouthHazrat KhidrStories of Surah KahfWhere is Aabe HayatMysteries of QuranTaboote SakinaTime travellingTime dilation possibleHazrat DawoodThe JinnatThe KingdomThe Kingdom Of Hazrat DawoodThe Kingdom Of Hazrat SulemanHazrat SulemanWith a miracle of understanding language of the birdsMalka e SabaMalka e Saba & Hazrat SulemanHazrat Suleman Malka e SabaMalka BilqeesQueen Of ShebaTeleportationThis is the story of two thronesA throne of Hazrat SulemanProphet King Solomona throne of Queen of Shebatakhte Bilqees