Paper Trails & Pitfalls: Writing EMS Reports That Hold Up

Life and Sirens: On and Behind the Scenes di Life and Sirens Podcast

Note sull'episodio

In EMS, your documentation is your defense—but are you writing reports that truly protect you and reflect your care? In this episode, we dive deep into the do’s and don’ts of EMS documentation, from avoiding common mistakes to writing clear, objective, and legally sound reports. Learn how to document refusals, describe patient behavior without bias, and ensure every PCR tells the full story. Whether you’re a new provider or a seasoned medic, this episode will sharpen your documentation skills and help you avoid the pitfalls that could come back to haunt you.

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Emergency EMSPrehospitalAmbulanceFirst RespondersParamedicEMTFemale911EREDFirefighterMedicineMedicalEducationParamedicSophieLifeandSirensHikingEmergency MedicalEducationalEmergency Medical ServicesFemalesHippieParamedicJaimbulance