E11: $20M/year Selling Shower Grates In Australia? An Incredible True Story.

Unemployable di Adam Hudson, Eric Machado, James Denham & Mark Di Paola

Note sull'episodio

What would you do as an entrepreneur if you went from doing millions of dollars a year to going bankrupt and scammed by your manufacturer for $200,000? In this episode we explore the story of Tim Dawson, who lived this experience, but instead of just giving up, he picked himself up multiple times, to get to the point where he is now, doing $20M/year selling shower grates and owning factories across China and Taiwan. Tims story demonstrates entrepreneurial excellence, and is a story of grit and determination. 🔥

Parole chiave
unemployable mediawealthentrepreneurshipreal estateinvestinglearngrowthriveamazonfbasellingonamazonunemployablepodcastrealestateinvestingartificial intelligence