Trailer 2: Season 4 Episode 15 - Danny Holt: Pianist, Percussionist, Composer, and Producer

The Piano Pod - a global hub for innovation, education, and connection in classical piano music di Yukimi Song

Note sull'episodio

😎 Have you had the chance to explore the collaborative album "Trailblazers" by our guest, 🎹 Danny Holt with violist Molly Gebrian yet?

In this short excerpt from our latest episode, Danny discusses the inspiration behind the album, the incredible female composers, a.k.a. "Trailblazers," and the challenges they faced in its production amidst geographical distance and the disruptions caused by COVID-19.

In case you missed Part 1 of this fun episode with pianist, percussionist, and composer, Danny Holt, check it out on your favorite podcasting platform today 👇👇

Stay tuned for Part 2, which will be released on Tuesday, April 9 ... 

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