Beyond Limits: Pat Reeves Unravels Holistic Health

Serenity Speaks - Conversations on Wellness di Cleo Slevin

Note sull'episodio

In the second part of my conversation with Pat Reeves of Food Alive, Pat explains how she uses kinesiology and dousing for optimising the immune system. Pat enlightens us on sprouting and how to use digestive supplement enzymes. Pat also explains the Alexander technique.

We hear about some really simple ways to keep fit around the house, without impacting on time or travel. And why it's so important to listen to the messages that our bodies give us to maintain health and vitality.

In her groundbreaking book, "A Living Miracle - Fight Cancer at a Cellular Level and Win!" Pat Reeves shares a compelling narrative of her personal journey in overcoming not one but two life-altering cancer  ... 

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Parole chiave
healthfitnesssproutingThe Alexander techniqueDigestive supplement enzymesVitality