Episode 2: Jon 'PD' Morris - The Man Behind The Wrexham Legends Group

The Wrexham Legends Lounge Podcast por Wrexham Legends

Notas del episodio

Not just is The Wrexham Legends Lounge a chance to spotlight former Wrexham players, it's also part of the larger Wrexham Legends group who raise money and awareness for local charities, causes and football teams.

The man behind the Wrexham Legends is Jon 'PD' Morris, who previously served under Mel Pejic at Wrexham AFC for six years. Here, PD takes centre-stage to give an insight into the Wrexham Legends, the charity work done by the group, and why he decided to start this collection of ex-Wrexham players in the first place.

In association with Hill St. Social, 10 Hill Street, Wrexham, LL11 1SN.

Twitter: @LegendsWrexham

Facebook: @WrexhamLegends

Email: wrexhamlegends@hotmail.com

Spotify, iTunes & Other Podcast Platforms: The Wrexham Legends Lounge Podcast

YouTube: Wrexham Legends

Palabras clave
wrexhamwrexham afcwrexham fcwrexham legendsfootballsoccerjon morrismel pejiccharitythe wrexham legends lounge podcast