Notas del episodio

Dianna Galarrager is a Business intelligence analyst at an internet brokerage company.

Diana is from Spain and currently living in London.

When Diana is not at work, her hobbies include traveling,

learning about different cultures, and engaging in adventurous

experiences, such as skydiving.

She believes that her adventurous nature has a part to

play in her daily job.

As a business intelligence analyst, Diana is responsible

for converting data to meaningful insights (find patterns) that can help drive

the value within her company.

Her daily routine can range from cleaning real-world trade data,

to analyze them on requests.

In linking her adventurous behavior to her job, she stated that

one of the exciting things that she enjoyed in her job was that

you never k ... 

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Palabras clave
bibusiness intelligenceinternet brokeragespaininsights and valuepython