Vision Chat

por Vision of Profound Healing

We are 2 girls on a mission to help raise awareness of spirituality by teaching meditation and self healing techniques. Our hopes are to reach as many people as possible who are interested in pursuing a clearer vision of themselves and their life's purpose. We hope our content is helpful to those starting on their spiritual journey! Connect with us at

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 4

  • The pain of spiritual awakening, the experience being a woman and intuition with Alma Skolmen

    The pain of spiritual awakening, the experience being a woman and intuition with Alma Skolmen

    On this exciting episode of Vision Chat we talk with Alma Skolmen, spiritual coach, channel and founder of the Purpose Club. Alma describes growing up with spirituality and experiencing her gifts as a child. Her mission is to help others clear their blocks and connect to their innermost selves. She talks about the importance of connecting to one's intuition and listening to our bodies, especially as women. Alma explains how she started listening to her feminine rhythm during menstruation and setting boundaries based on that. She shares how this can sometimes be a controversial topic due to the misunderstanding and misinformation about women's needs. Come join us on this informative and inspiring conversation with the phenomenal Alma! Almas instagram: Almas tiktok: Almas YouTube: Almas website: The Purpose Club: Book recommendation: The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield Podcast recommendation: Wisdom from north ~Connect with us~ Instagram: Tiktok: Facebook:

  • Spiritual and biological transition - Perimenopause - Bean Bindloss

    Spiritual and biological transition - Perimenopause - Bean Bindloss

    On our season 4 Vision Chat premier we have the lovely Bean Bindloss. She is a perimenopause doula in the UK. Bean talks to us about perimenopause, the ups and downs, nutrition and the importance of listening to the body. She shares her wealth of experience about this important transition in a woman's life. Join us as we learn about how Bean includes aspects of spirituality and magic as part of her process to help women through this sometimes very challenging journey. Book Recommendations: Lara Briden - Period Repair Manual - Metabolism Repair for Woman - Hormone Repair Manual Sharon Blackie - If Woman Rose Rooted - Hagitude Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer - Wise Power Beans website: Beans Instagram: Beans e-mail: ~Connect with us~ Instagram: Tiktok: Facebook:

  • Temporada 3

  • Recap Season 3

    Recap Season 3

    In this episode Virginia and Stine goes over all of the interviews they have done in season 3. This har been a season with mixed genera's of spiritual topics. Our guest this season was: Anja Ha Oterhals - how to heal from a disease, sound healing and her school Melissa Kim Corter - Darkness and how darkness can be something positive and comfortable J. Allan Cross - Witchcraft and haunted houses Jill McClennen - Death doula and what they do Sara Rathke - Mediumship and how to develop it Jennifer Salzar - Herbal medicine and Curandera Sanni Parkkinen - Saunas, Breathing and your relationship with breath Thank you to all of our guest this season and also all of YOU wonderful listeners out there from all over the world. We are great full for all of you and a new season is right around the corner! Love Virginia and Stine ~Connect with us~ Instagram: Tiktok: Facebook:

  • Remote House Clearing

    Remote House Clearing

    This is a bit special episode where Virginia and Stine did a remote clearing on a house with a lot of weird stuff had been going on. ~Connect with us~ Instagram: Tiktok:

  • Haunted house - Mystical Series

    Haunted house - Mystical Series

    In this episode Virginia and Stine talked about a remote clearing they did. In this house it was multiple weird stuff going on. - Connect with us~ Instagram: Tiktok: