Denouncing Antisemitism. With Meira, Donny, Bobby & Shani | Ep. 67

The Vegan Report por Rayane Laddi

Notas del episodio

Way back then, I remember how Israel was looked at very favorably by vegans. One media outlet called it "the global center of veganism". Online, I remember the many popular videos of Gary Yourofsky being interviewed on Israeli TV, always with Hebrew subtitles.

But since October of last year, since the brutal attacks and kidnappings perpetrated by Hamas, and then the violent retaliation of Israel, something shifted in the vegan movement. And I witnessed internal conflict not about how effective activism should be done, think about welfarism vs abolionism, but about the Gaza war. And when I witnessed Jewish vegan activists leaving the community in drove, erasing even their social media presence, I knew that this represented a breaking point for the cause.

Read Antisemitism in the Animal Rights Movement:

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vegananimalsveganismanimal rightsanimal welfareanimal justicevegan foodvegan activistvegan restaurantanimal liberationanimal sanctuaryvegan bookanimal rights activistanimal lawanimal testingvegan eventvegan festivalanimal shelterjewjewishisraelantisemitismgaza