UnSpun with Jody Vance and George Affleck — Episode 251

UnSpun with Jody Vance and George Affleck por Jody Vance and George Affleck

Notas del episodio

Welcome to UnSpun - your current events podcast and YouTube show.

Every week, Jody Vance and George Affleck unspin the latest news in local, provincial, and federal politics, and much more.

This week, with one of the driest winters on record, BC is faced with a drought and fires this summer, are we prepared? Maybe the BC NDP government will spin their way out of that like they have when it comes to CleanBC-Gate, illicit drug dealers in hospitals, and Surrey Policing. Jody and George bet that Premier Eby wishes he had called the election a year ago.

Tune in for that and so much more on UnsSpun with Jody Vance and George Affleck

Find out where to watch and listen at UnSpunPodcast.com ... 

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Palabras clave
vancouver politicscanadian politicsfederal politicslocal politicsprovincial politicsgeorge affeckjody vanceunspunbc newsbcpoli