Unintended ConsequencesExplícito

por Sahar

A minimalist, one-take podcast in which a ball-in-a-box and their friends discuss current cultural touchstones, where they came from, and where they are going! No editing, no frills, just semi-smart people chatting about things that someone, somewhere finds interesting

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • The Death of Sports Journalism

    The Death of Sports Journalism

    Together with my friend Josh Moore, author of the upcoming book MORPHENOMENAL, we discuss what we believe to be the reason behind the glut of mediocre (at best) sports analysis and journalism that is plaguing the industry. In our talk, we cover the impact that this is having on the sports world, journalism and society. Ending, of course, on where we think this is all headed and how sports journalism may cease as we know it....or better said, knew it.

  • Does streaming make tv and movies worse?


    Does streaming make tv and movies worse?


    Another new friend?! Nick and Sahar tackle the influence of streaming on television and movies. How did streaming take over the world? Why happened to the cliff-hanger? Where is it all headed?

  • How Hamburgers are Ruining American Cuisine....maybe


    How Hamburgers are Ruining American Cuisine....maybe


    A new friend?! Jamie and Sahar discuss the humble and ever important hamburger. How did this item become the most American of all foods, right up there with Apple Pie, Hot Dogs, and Pizza? What does this mean for culinary culture and the food world in America?

  • Anime, Godzilla, and the Rise of Foreign Media


    Anime, Godzilla, and the Rise of Foreign Media


    Prof. Bopper and Sahar are at it again, talking positively about the growth of foreign tv shows, movies, music, and other media. How is this affecting media here? What event sparked this growth? Where is it all going?

  • Are Massive Contracts Destroying Sports?


    Are Massive Contracts Destroying Sports?


    How much larger can these contracts get? How did we get here? How are you, the viewer, to blame? Prof. Bopper and Sahar discuss what they believe is the progenitor of these massive contracts, how it is impacting the game, and where it is going.