S3 E4 Noel Reynolds on 1 Nephi 1 and the Scribal Influence of Lehi and Nephi (week of Jan. 8, second episode)

The Scriptures Are Real por Kerry Muhlestein

Notas del episodio

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In this episode Noel Reynolds and Kerry explore the background of Lehi's family, and the evidence that they were very trained in languages and very literate. They discuss the possibility that being from Manasseh created an opportunity to be trained in Egyptian. They talk about the influence of that literacy and training in Egyptian on the Book of Mormon.

An article that touches on much of this was written by Kerry and is available at https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003& ... 

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joseph of egyptegyptegyptianscribes