Episodios del podcast

  • 29. Fast-Tracking Connection to Place & People

    29. Fast-Tracking Connection to Place & People

    “When we talk about tracking, it's a very holistic definition. It means paying attention, not just with your eyes, but with all your senses.” In this episode we explore the question, "does tracking help us connect deeply with a place more quickly?" Jon and Sarah, having recently returned from two weeks in South Africa and the Kalahari, reflect on the impact that tracking had on their experience, not only connecting with the land but also with people through tracking. We also look at the broader definition of tracking, moving beyond footprints and into awareness of the world around us, our communication with that world, and how our intentions shape our environment. We explore how connection develops, in the deepening of our awareness that occurs through the process of tracking, in our collective engagement with the present moment, and shared curiosity about the world around us. Upcoming Programs: If you're interested in the themes of this podcast episode, our upcoming fall programs explore how to develop them in your own life... October 3rd, 2024 — Free Event: Harmonizing with Nature Starting October 17th — 7 week Journey: Embodying Unity with Nature Scheduling Note: due to travel and more obligations than usual, we have decided to move to an every-other-Wednesday release schedule for a few months. Our next episode will release on October 9, 2024.

  • 28. The Magic of Emergence & Allowance —Susu Marley, Martha Meacham & Patrick Monroney

    28. The Magic of Emergence & Allowance —Susu Marley, Martha Meacham & Patrick Monroney

    “There’s an intelligence that emerges out of being together in a connective way, that we can call The Keeper, or we can call it The Emergent Mind in interpersonal neurobiology.” "It was an example for me of what I want to build as a community and how I want to build it and participate with people." Susu, Martha, and Patrick joined us to share about their transformational experience designing a weekend program together for the first time, using principles like Designing with Natural Cycles and the Ten Stones. Everyone that participated was moved by the way the experience unfolded, and what is possible when we slow down and listen deeply to The Keeper, remaining present to what most wants to emerge in that moment within the group. If you have been considering starting a program or offering something, this conversation will inspire you and give you insight into what's possible. Enjoy! Janet (Susu) Marley is earning an MA in Ecopsychology from Naropa University. She is currently researching styles of governance in traditional indigenous societies of Turtle Island and how such wisdom ways can positively influence contemporary ecocentric and regenerative residential communities and bioregional initiatives. She is a dedicated student of the Tracker School, and committed to carrying the wisdom of the lineage into the future. Janet is a community organizer with an abiding interest in co-creating intentional living and learning centers that model and teach connection and reciprocity with the natural world. She is integrating the 8 shields design model into this work. Her gifts and roles include mentor, healer, event producer, and guide to ceremony, council, rites of passage, ecotherapy, and trauma integration work. She is a Montessori-trained educator and mom of two young children. Martha Meacham is a professional educator with a Ph.D. in Education living in the Austin, Texas area. After decades in higher education, she is focusing on bringing people together who want to explore deep relationships within nature, themselves and others. She brings natural design principles (8 Shields) to her classroom for first time-in-college students to reflect on what they need from their college experience to successfully accomplish what they want. As a Niasziih practitioner, she promotes mind~body~spirit~soul wellness, rooted in the Earth. Aligned with this, she is an Apprentice Tracker, and a Quest protector. She has also learned Tellington TTouch Method for humans and companion animals from Linda Tellington-Jones. Learn more about Martha’s healing work at heartfelttouch.us Patrick Monroney lucked into some great mentors and teachers in the outdoors when he moved to Alaska in 1987. He learned fishing, plants, and survival, and started an outdoor school for kids and adults. Patrick has taught flora, plantlore, fishing, survival skills, leadership and community building to children and adults for thirty years. He is a cancer survivor, and his current communities are the Tracker School Keepers group and the Helpers Mentoring Society. Show Notes & References If you want to learn more about the Ten Stones, join us for Embodying Unity With Nature, which starts on Oct 17, 2024. We are also holding a free event, Harmonizing with Nature, on Oct 3rd, 2024 Visit Living Connection 1st for more information about our work.

  • 27. Self-Care Through the Cycles of Nature —Kris August

    27. Self-Care Through the Cycles of Nature —Kris August

    “The message that I’m trying to get across is that we’re all caregivers, whether we recognize it or not, and the more we can take care of ourselves the more we can spread that into the community.” This episode feels like a hug. We are joined by Kris August, veterinarian, herbalist, and educator, to discuss the power of self-care and how she has used natural cycles to create a holistic self-care program for caregivers. Kris' program, Self-Care Through the Cycles of Nature: Creating Your Own Personal Habitat, is a 9 month course that helps people develop self-care habits and practices that reconnect them to nature and their own nature. We explore Kris' journey to discovering the various connective practices that influence her work, the impact compassion fatigue can have on people that work in the world of caregiving, and how starting with self-care can lead to a renewed connection to work and community. We hope you enjoy it! Read the Podcast Transcript Here Self-Care Through the Cycles of Nature - Enrollment open through September 2024 Kris' program begins September 1st and there are still openings if you are interested in participating. Learn more about the program and enroll here. About Kris August, DVM, GDVWHM (Western Herbal Medicine), CHPV (Hospice and Palliative Veterinarian) Dr Kris August is a veterinarian, herbalist, and educator. She received her graduate diploma in Western Veterinary Herbal Medicine online through the College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies (CIVT) and co-created the first hands-on veterinary herbal course with Dr. Laurie Dohmen. Kris values compassionate care for animals, people, plants, and our world, with a special focus on caring for the caregiver. We cannot help others unless we continue to care for ourselves. A lifelong learner, Kris also practices qigong and nature meditation. Kris enjoys bringing a holistic approach to learning through sharing her passions with others and has taught in a variety of capacities from Waldorf-inspired playgroups to Tae Kwon Do, to teaching veterinarians and veterinary students in herbal medicine, animal hospice, and self-care topics. Show Notes & References We mention Coyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature by Jon Young We mention the 8 Shields Master Class: Designing with Natural Cycles, Village Building, and the Kamana Naturalist Program. All of these programs will be available soon through Living Connection 1st. Join the mailing list if you're interested. Scheduling Note: due to travel and more obligations than usual, we have decided to move to an every-other-Wednesday release schedule for a few months. Our next episode will release on Sep 11, 2024. Visit Living Connection 1st for more information about our work in nature connection and people connection.

  • 26. The Power of Immersion in Connection —Jean-Claude Catry & Ingrid Bauer

    26. The Power of Immersion in Connection —Jean-Claude Catry & Ingrid Bauer

    “For me, the whole motivation is to facilitate people to come to a place of vision, is to be really activated in their gift, and really starting to deliver their gift to the world, because the world needs it to function better.” In this episode, Ingrid and Jean-Claude take us into their work in nature and people connection, through the Wisdom of the Earth School in British Columbia, Canada, and their work in France with Troiseme Option. In particular we explore their adult immersion program, a 1-3 year full-time program that uses nature connection to take participants on a transformative journey, one that helps them connect with their vision and gifts and prepares them to bring those gifts out into the world. We discuss the purpose of immersion, how the journey is healing, and where some of the participants have taken the work after finishing the program. We also learn about what the adults learn from their interaction with the children's' programs, how nature connection differs in different cultures, and the power of deep listening. We hope you enjoy! Read the Podcast Transcript Here Adult Immersion Program There are still openings in the Adult Immersion Program at Wisdom of the Earth this September, if you are interested in participating. You learn more about the documentary, L’autre Connexion (Another Connection), produced by Cécile Faulhaber, at Troiseme Option. Note: this website is in French, but Google Translate is still quite effective. About Jean-Claude Jean-Claude Catry is the co-founder of Wisdom of the Earth Wilderness School and has been studying, practicing and teaching wilderness connection skills for over 35 years. Originally trained as a physical education school teacher in his native France, Jean-Claude left the beginnings of a career as a professional soccer player when he almost died from a serious illness. This awakened him to a path of meaning and nature connection, and he spent over a decade as a mountain wilderness guide, leading groups of children, at-risk youth, and adults on horse, ski, and foot through the French Pyrenees, to support them in connecting to their inner Wild Nature. He established a remote mountain equestrian centre with over 150 horses, now run by a woman he mentored when she was a teen. About Ingrid Ingrid Bauer is the co-founder of Wisdom of the Earth, and has been working with and sharing deep connective practices for over 30 years. The mother of 4 children aged 14 to 35, Ingrid is committed to growing peace from the roots by addressing how we practice compassion with ourselves and each other, how we nurture and educate children, and how we embody interdependence in creating communities that nourish and care for each living being within the whole web of life. Visit Living Connection 1st for more information about our work in nature connection and people connection.

  • 25. Connecting Legacy of Mentoring the Natural Mind

    25. Connecting Legacy of Mentoring the Natural Mind

    “This idea of the natural mind IS human nature, or maybe it’s nature in human, nature as human.” “Our nervous system is born expecting that kind of welcome, that kind of attending, that kind of intending. I think our nervous system is shaped for that.” What is the connecting legacy of mentoring the natural mind? Today, Jon takes on a journey to answer that very question, explore how to mentor in this fashion, the benefits we get from being mentored (and mentoring others) this way, and the future of mentoring the natural mind. Jon shares how he was primed for mentoring by his elders as a young child, how Tom Brown Jr. mentored him, and how he observed this same mentoring in the San people in Africa. He shares what makes mentoring different from teaching and what, specifically, makes nature a mentor like no other. Enjoy! “I would call them nutrients of our consciousness. Each of these different species, and individuals among the species, that we build relationships with- the more of that we get from nature, the more our mind becomes nature, and our heart becomes nature, and there’s a longing to inhabit this planet in a deeper and different way, where we feel like we belong. And when we feel that, then we really care, and then we really want to help make it better.” Looking for More? If you're interested in learning more about mentoring the natural mind or the 512 map, check out these resources below. The 512 Project Coyote's Guide Visit Living Connection 1st for more information about our work in nature connection and people connection.