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Noah's Journey of Resilience TOC Talks Season 2 Episode 12

TOC Talks por The Oxford Center

Notas del episodio

Welcome to TOC Talks Season 2, Episode 12 Join host Andrew Kistner as he interviews Brian and Mercedes Arvizu and dives into their son Noah's inspiring journey. Hear how Noah and his family overcame unthinkable odds, showcasing resilience, unwavering faith, and triumph in a heartfelt story of courage, determination, and the hand of God. #theoxfordcenter #podcast #brightonmi #abatherapy #hyperbaricoxygentherapy

Palabras clave
the oxford centerthe oxford center podcasthealthhbothyperbaric oxygen therapyalternative medicinetherasuit therapyintensive physical therapybrain therapyspecial needsresearchofkspeechspeech therapy