Notas del episodio
Are you having abdominal issues? Have bloating, and cramps? The G.I test is a test that helps you get down to the main cause! Whether it is food sensitivity, parasites, gut issues, this test will give valuable information to help you correct and heal the root of the problem. In this Episode of TOC Talks, Andrew Kister sits down with Nicole Cunningham to talk about this amazing test and how it can help you. Want to listen to TOC Talks without the video? Subscribe to TOC Talks on your favorite Audio or Podcast platform! Want to watch all of our episodes? Check out our YouTube Playlist! Want to stay connected and up to date on what is happening at The Oxford Center? Make sure to follow our Socials! clave
toc talksthe oxford centerthe oxford center podcasthealthnutritionalternative medicinefood and wellnessfunctional nutrition therapy practitionergut issuesmental health