Episode 5: Voiceover and Podcasting Stories: Taking Listeners on an Audio Adventure with Max Bowen

The Starfish Storytellers por Liana Henry

Notas del episodio
In this episode, we explore the world of voiceover work and taking listeners on an audio adventure. I got the chance to flip the script and interview award-winning journalist, writer, on-air personality, voice talent, emcee - and my mentor - Max Bowen. Max shares his remarkable story of how he got started in storytelling as a newspaper journalist, but then pivoted to become an internet radio host. A host who took his love of the arts and his talent as an interviewer to overcome his limitations with a speech impediment. Max also shares the fun he has with voiceovers, working with horror genre authors, and getting to create the different voices of all the characters.You can learn more about Max and his voiceover work athttps://  ...  Leer más