A Vision for Cities: A Conversation with Dan Doctoroff

Thesis Driven Leader Series por Brad Hargreaves, Editor at Thesis Driven

Notas del episodio

For three decades, Dan Doctoroff’s vision for cities–and how technology can make them better–has shaped how we think about urban centers in the US. Perhaps more than anyone, he brought forward the initiatives that made NYC what it is today: the Highline, Barclays Center, Long Island City Waterfront, Hudson Yards and Citi Bike, among many. Doctoroff’s dreams, sweat, and speed are behind all of them.

In this conversation, hosted by Thesis Driven editor Brad Hargreaves, Doctoroff walks us through 30 years beginning with NYC’s ambitious bid to host the Olympics. While the bid failed, it became a blueprint of values and plans that would drive his priorities as NYC’s Deputy Mayor for Economic Development, the leader of the PlaNYC initiative, and the founder of Sidewalk Labs, a company dedicated to improving cities through technology.

Doctor ... 

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Palabras clave
real estatebrad hargreavesreal estate developmentdan doctoroffhousingnyc