Hope Virgo - Eating Disorders

The Salty Mums Podcast por Rebecca Miles

Notas del episodio

This week we're joined by Hope Virgo, who is an Eating Disorder campaigner and author, but is also recovering from an eating disorder herself. Hope helps us break down many of the myths around eating disorders, highlights where there's need for change in the NHS, talks about the difficulties of becoming a mother in the shadow of an eating disorder, and gives us great insight in how we can be salt and light to those around us who might be struggling with an eating disorder. This was a topic I've wanted to cover for a while so I was so grateful to get Hope's insight and hear her talk so honestly and openly about the struggles she's faced.


You can find Hope Virgo on Instagram @hopevirgo_

Sign Hope's open letter about no one should be dying with an eating disorder in 2023 here

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christianbest christian mum podcasts 2023christian motherhoodchristian motherhood podcastchristian mums podcasthope virgoeating disordersanorexiabullimiaorthorexia