
Episode 51 - The Halloween Episode That Gets Released Way Later Than is Appropriate Because Our Schedule Is Fucking Stupid

The Important Questions por Dave Skiles

Notas del episodio

The title may be misleading. This episode is VERY loosely Halloween related thanks to our listener GLINKO STINKO and his question around Halloween. Also, it's our pleasure to officially publish the location of our prior show. If you're a fan of the current show, a selection of our old show is available minus bonus episodes and the (very terrible) first 25 episodes. Enjoy several hours of content. Link below. Here's what we got this week.

  1. Intro Part 1: When are you releasing more goddamn content?
  2. Intro Part 2: Do you pee dick out only or balls out too?
  3. Intro Part 3: What household item could you give away on Halloween and not run out?
  4. When have teachers or professors derailed classes with long tangent stories?
  5. When is the most inopportune time to give or get a little forehead kiss?
  6. Midshow ... 
 ...  Leer más
Palabras clave
pisshalloweenpeecontenturineballsdickbeansteachersprofessorsstoriesmassageforeheadkisscrispycrunchycrustysmushysquishybuttholegapingpornographyanusimpractical jokerspunishment