David Bernstein | Woke Antisemitism | Israel-Hamas War | In Conversation with Shana Meyerson

The Yoga of War Podcast: Fighting for Israel & The Jewish People por Shana Meyerson

Notas del episodio

David Bernstein founded the Jewish Institute for Liberal Values because of his deep commitment to free speech and expression of diverse ideas.

His book, Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews, is an exploration into the societal conditions, ideologies and beliefs that have led to the current crisis of antisemitism that is plaguing the Progressive Left. It is also a warning to the Jews of the Diaspora in general, and America in particular, how deeply dangerous this deranged and timeless hatred really is.

In this conversation, Shana Meyerson of YOGAthletica and David Bernstein discuss the frightening phenomenon of Woke Antisemitism and its repercussions for Western Civilization.

If you are a yogi or yogini who doesn't understand the profound implications of hating in the name of "social justice," you owe it to yo ... 

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