Notas del episodio

Hoi there Omae, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. Jander on over here and take a listen to a short teaser/filler before we launch into Season 2, which I promise is on its way. In this short interlude Ali and Grace spend some time together and explore their relationship, an arms deal is done, and someone starts a fight by whispering "Poopy Head". Featuring Beth as Grace aka Nightingale and Val as Ali aka Boxer. It's really wiz that your are joining us and I hope you enjoy this episode. If you do please tell your friends and leave us a positive review. We are available on most pod cast services, Youtube, Itunes, etc. You can also find a link to our discord server in the podcast description and on the youtube channel. We would love to hear from you and we share a lot of in game paydata ... 

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Palabras clave
shadowrunactual play4th editionhard knocks sorority6th worldsixth worldcyberpunkshadowrun 4th editionshadowrun sixth world