Episode 25: Set the guard rails so your team can be more autonomous and effective

Teams at Work by BUNCH por Darja Gutnick (CEO, Co-Founder of Bunch)

Notas del episodio

In this episode we sit down with Noor van Boven, investor, global people executive, and co-founder at Invested. She has worked and led people teams at Soundcloud, N26, and Deloitte, and is also a board member to numerous startups. With Noor, we reflect on high-context culture and how to design a context for your team to perform autonomously at their highest level. Plus, she told us her strategy for setting expectations and has some great advice for giving feedback in a way that helps your team learn and thrive.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How to set “guard rails” so that your team can operate with autonomy, which leads to more efficiency and less confusion.

  • The best way to frame feedback so you can support your report’s perspective while staying realistic about the solution and what can and can’t be changed.

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