5 Steps on How the Owners Corporation Committee Could Make Legal Decisions (S1: Episode 3)

Strata Life por Rochelle Castro of RC & CO LAWYERS

Notas del episodio

5 steps on how the owners corporation committee could make legal decisions-

1. Identify the items that should be decided #explain

2. Create a meeting agenda and notice #explain (include 3 days prior meeting notice)

3. Hold the meeting. (Check attendance and eligibility to vote, give brief opportunity for each member to express their views, then vote, then close the meeting)

4. Write the minutes of meeting . (only record decision NOT comments)

5. Keep minutes in custody of secretary or strata manager, then give directions to relevant parties to action decision

CONCLUSION Strata enthusiasts, I hope that this episode has given you the bird’s eye view on how to … 5 steps on how the owners corporation committee could make legal decisions- Strata enthusiasts, I will speak to you in our next episode.

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