Notas del episodio
STEMlords have an annoying habit of claiming that social science is only anecdotal evidence. We talk through what that actually means and how to make it consistent across a handful of case studies of the good, the bad, and the weird.
Richards, K., Death, J., & Ronken, C. (2021). What do victim/survivors of sexual violence think about Circles of Support and Accountability?. Victims & Offenders, 16(6), 893-911.
Stewart, C. C., Langan, D., & Hannem, S. (2013). Victim experiences and perspectives on police responses to verbal violence in domestic settings. Feminist Criminology, 8(4), 269-294.
Nahin, R.L., (2002), December. Use of the best case series to evaluate complementary and alternative therapies for cancer: a systematic review. In Seminars in oncology (Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 552-562). WB Saunders.
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