Our Five Loves - Love God & Commit to Gathered Worship
Episode Questions Why are we doing this series on our Five Loves? What do we mean by “Gospel Culture?” How do our Five Loves fit into that? Why do we begin with “Love God,” and what does the Bible have to say about loving God? What’s the problem we have in our natural, sinful state when we’re faced with the command to “Love God?” Why can’t we love him as we ought? What is God’s solution to this problem? So, if God brings me into a loving relationship with him by his grace and gives me a new heart, why do I still struggle to love him as I should? How then, can I grow in my love for God? How important is it that I gather with God’s people for worship on the Lord’s Day? Listener Questions: My Bible study leader has said in the past that Christians should never say they are proud of [their] country, kids, wife, etc. because every time pride or proud is used in the Bible it is negative. At first, I pushed back a little on this, but then I thought it over & looked up some verses and being proud of someone or something is almost always because you want the focus on yourself, but as Christians, all the glory is God's. Maybe [it’s better to] say,” I am happy with how God has blessed them or this country?” [What are your] thoughts? – Dale Jelen