Notas del episodio

Riot Radio B-Sides #2

Kasshuve- det luktar gris


People’s Temple- think of me

Youth Avoiders- boredom airline

Flash- mundua neria dek

Electric Chair- active aggression

Primitive Fucking Ballers- hunger 2008

Ultra Razia- au bout de la nuit

Lame- no hay paraíso

Suicide Club- imaginary prison

Minus A Heart- another song about you

Slumb Party- happy now

Dolor De Muelas- pensamientos impuros

Fugitive Bubble- fishbowl

Predator- dots

Syndrome 81- vivre et mourir

Brody And The Grodies- who drank all the beer

Bruise Control- hmrc

The Drin- for the tsarina


Battalion Zoska- outside view

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Riot Radio

PO Box 3696

Philadelphia PA 19125


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