Revering the Word

por Jay Cavaiani

Teaching from Pastor Jay Cavaiani with an emphasis on revering the Word of God.

Episodios del podcast

  • Psalm 55 In this life there will be trouble, trust in the Lord.

    Psalm 55 In this life there will be trouble, trust in the Lord.

    As a Christian people will rise up against you, turn on you, even betray you. Sometimes people will be against you because you are Christian. Jesus and all his Apostles were martyred. Make Jesus your trust. Build the house of your life on the firm foundation of Jesus, the Cornerstone.

  • 1 Cor. 16 Stand firm in faith, do it from a heart of love.

    1 Cor. 16 Stand firm in faith, do it from a heart of love.

    Here are Paul’s closing remarks to the Corinthians. He covers a variety of ground from giving, to being strong men of faith, with hearts of love, and finally being people of honor in an honor-less culture.

  • 1 Cor. 15 Heaven, bodily resurrection, the rapture and more.

    1 Cor. 15 Heaven, bodily resurrection, the rapture and more.

    This is an important chapter in understanding what is meant by resurrection for us. Because Jesus rose from the dead we can be assured we will rise too! We have alot to look forward to in the heavenly places and ages to come. Finally, please listen to the end for grace for others who do not hold to the pretribulational rapture. Respect and honoring one another is important for unity and love in God’s church.

  • 1 Cor. 14 Eagerly desiring Spiritual gifts. Order in the Church. Women quiet?

    1 Cor. 14 Eagerly desiring Spiritual gifts. Order in the Church. Women quiet?

    This is an important and challenging teaching. Please take it all in.

  • 1 Cor. 13 The “Love” chapter seen in its proper context.

    1 Cor. 13 The “Love” chapter seen in its proper context.

    This is a very important chapter of scripture. It is very beneficial even without context but yet I do believe what Paul is saying is amplified and clarified by seeing it is in the middle of two chapters on Spiritual gifts written to a church that in many ways was immature and I believe getting ahead of themselves in areas when they lacked Christian character. They wanted the gifts of the Spirit but lacked the fruit of the Spirit.