Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • Girl, They As Deep As a Puddle


    Girl, They As Deep As a Puddle


    In this episode, the ladies talk about the complexities of this phenomenon called "being deep" or for some being "woke". Whether it's the lack of accountability or the rudeness of being late, the gang jumps into all the things that toxic positivity and being "fake deep" create for them. Join them as they air out some grievances and laugh away some pain on this week's episode of Rant Much.

  • Look, I Have A Lot of Feelings


    Look, I Have A Lot of Feelings


    Join Thuli & Nyah as they discuss being the people "who always have big feelings" and how this has affected them their whole lives. The good, the bad, and the indifferent. The ladies share how they navigate how to process their feelings and deal with others' perceptions as well.

  • It's Upsetting Me & My Homegirls


    It's Upsetting Me & My Homegirls


    The gang jumps into the everyday 20-somethings frustrations with the world around them. They talk about all things in their respective headlines that have been bothering them. From wars, sexism, to student debt, they tackle the national to the daily woes of the world.

  • Where We Started, Where We Are


    Where We Started, Where We Are


    Listen to Nyah & Thuli as they speak to the various feelings they have about where they are headed - in every aspect of life. Listen as they recount what they thought they would be doing versus where they are actually today. The good, the bad, and the indifferent, they speak to the growth in their lives.

  • New Year, New Me ???


    New Year, New Me ???


    In this episode, the ladies jump into the idea of New Year's Resolutions. What are they? Do they have any and what do their goals look like for this year? And, they might even talk about how much they hate this New Year, New Me idea. Tune in today to Rant Much ?? to hear Thuli & Nyah rant about how resolutions & goals have shaped them.