Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Episode 144- Why We Love Manga and Manhwa!


    Episode 144- Why We Love Manga and Manhwa!


    Finally, we are having our manga and manhwa discussion episode! Our favorite manga and manhwa. As well as our least favorite, what got us into the medium and more!

  • Episode 143- Afro Samurai Movie Review!


    Episode 143- Afro Samurai Movie Review!


    We are back with the final movie in the Afro Samurai series! Afro and Ninja Ninja are back trying to becoming number one after losing the number one headband. And what's worse, they took his Dad's corpse. Can Afro get his revenge a second time and does the movie hold up to the rest of the series?

  • Episode 142- Would You Rather Part 6


    Episode 142- Would You Rather Part 6


    Would you rather live under water or in the clouds? Would you rather have a Bankai or a Domain Expansion? Would you rather eat sardines or lose three inches........ That and more in today's episode!

  • Episode 141- TOP IM HIM/HER Moments From Black Characters in Anime


    Episode 141- TOP IM HIM/HER Moments From Black Characters in Anime


    On today's special Black History Month Episode, we give our top 5 I'm Him/Her Moments from Black characters in anime! Inlcuding charcteras from Fire Force, Naruto, My Hero Academia, One Piece and more!

  • Episode 140- Favorite Rom Com Couples ALL TIME!!!


    Episode 140- Favorite Rom Com Couples ALL TIME!!!


    On today's episode we talk about our top 5 favorite couples in Rom Coms! And no, Naruto and Hinata are not on this list, no Shonen in this podcast! Just Rom Coms... unless your Zo...