Open Source Futures #10 - What Happens After the Scenarios

Open Source Futures por Eddie Choo

Notas del episodio

Scenarios - just the end of the beginning

About uncertainties and learning

Switching between different perspectives, and unlocking possibilities

Horizon Scanning - finding things out today and imagining how things might play out 5 or even 10 years later.

  • iPhone, 2007

  • Youtube, 2005

  • Facebook, 2004

  • Google, 1996

  • Tesla, 2008

All have had really long gestation periods - hard to tell!

What's happening today that are not covered, but might have big impacts?

Get plugged into Operations - find a way to work with them!

Or be a Red Team that tackles what-ifs

Ways to overcome resistance.

Science fiction might be a way to explore possible futures.

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Palabras clave
futures thinkingscenario planningscenarioshorizon scanningtrends