Notas del episodio

Hello Care Partners,

Today we will look at why some people living with brain failure seem to stop eating or stop using their fork, and resort to using their hands to eat. We will discuss our skill fingers and strength fingers the how we frequently lose skill fingers We want to start feeding them but sometimes there is resistance and we end up chasing them with the spoon or trying to pry their mouths open. YIKES!

Teepa Snow, the Founder of Positive Approach to Care, developed a revolutionary technique Hand Under Hand. This will help you with their nutrition needs but it can also provide a great boundary for the carepartner when the person living with Dementia is experiencing a lot of seeking and touching needs.

Enjoy the videos created by PAC and Teepa Snow, an internationally recognized speaker, Teepa Snow is  ... 

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Palabras clave
DementiaMemory CareTeresa YoungstromMemory LossAlzheimersMemory Care ActivitiesQ & A with DementiaCaregiversCare Partnerspersonalized careBehaviorsA Better Approach to Memory CareParkinsons DementiaDementia Support for CaregiversDementia SupportTeepa Snow