Building Kingdom Through Hollywood w/ Jack Kelly (Episode 178)

Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright por Charisma Podcast Network

Notas del episodio

“You’re not a pastor who acts or is creative; you’re an actor and a creative first and pastor after that.” - Jack Kelly


Jack Kelly, from the casting team for The Chosen, joins Liz to discuss his journey of letting go of his own understanding and trusting in God's leading, ultimately leading him to shining the light of truth and bringing the presence of God into the entertainment industry. Jack's journey began as a pastor's kid in Atlanta, but through a series of divine encounters and nudges from the Holy Spirit, Jack found himself drawn to the world of acting and entertainment. With a heart open to God's leading, he embraced this unexpected path and embarked on a journey of discovering what being called to Hollywood truly meant.


Throughout his career, Jack has learned the importance of partnering with Jesu ... 

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