E30 Learn English Podcast Everything You Need to Use Reading to Improve Your English

Learn English Podcast por Learn English Podcast

Notas del episodio

📖You've likely heard that input, how much you listen to or read a language, is key to learning. The more you read and listen in English, the better your fluency will be. Therefore, you should aim to read and listen daily. But how can you do this effectively? What reading strategies should you use? What kind of materials should you read?

🎧On today's episode of the Learn English Podcast, we answer these questions and help you use reading to boost your fluency. First, we'll dive into the science behind reading and why it's so crucial for building vocabulary and comprehending complex language structures. We'll discuss two main reading strategies - intensive and extensive reading - and how you can use both to increase your fluency in English. We'll also guide you through the best types of reading material for learners at different proficiency ... 

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