Go On with Ted and GeoffExplícito

por Fire Escape Creations

Each week Ted and Geoff explore the lines between stories that are fabrications and stories that are true. Storytellers are invited from all walks of life to tell their tale and it is up to our hosts to decide is it true or are our storytellers full of crap. Enjoy the ride as through many tangents Ted and Geoff make it to the end. Follow us @go_on_pod

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Go On #10 First Date


    Go On #10 First Date


    Well I think most of us have had a First Date, and a Story to go with it, but we always make up a bit of that story, or do we? Well Ted and Geoff will figure that out foooor sure. @Go_On_Pod

  • Go On #9 $20


    Go On #9 $20


    What do gloves, tea pots, and the government have in common? Well Ted and Geoff will figure it out. When they are done, feel free to read up. Here, and Here. Follow us @go_on_pod.

  • Go On #8 Running


    Go On #8 Running


    Running? Why not? Ted and Geoff love running, they hope this story is false because they are tired just hearing it. Follow us at @go_on_pod. Enjoy this MAP

  • Go On #7 Subway Delays


    Go On #7 Subway Delays


    Who hasn't had a train delay, but is this one a real one or fake? Well Ted and Geoff are on the case to see if our guest Kristin is full of crap. Granted don't click here till afterward. https://www.westsiderag.com/2018/03/07/fire-at-96th-street-subway-station-sparks-panicked-rush-to-exits. Don't forget to follow us @go_on_pod

  • Go On #6 The Junkyard


    Go On #6 The Junkyard


    This week Ted and Geoff learn what it is like to be a kid in a Stephen King novel, the question though is the story true, or just another tall tail from a world renowned author? Don't forget to like and subscribe and follow us @go_on_pod