Episodios del podcast

  • Overcoming My Addictions - Gambling, and Alcohol || Justin

    Overcoming My Addictions - Gambling, and Alcohol || Justin

    Real stories, told by real people. Nice to be back with you all. Hope this finds you in good spirits. We've got another story to share. Today Justin joins us, and he's got a story to tell. Growing up in Montana, in small town with a population of about 300 people. Justin enjoyed his childhood, recalling those times when his mother would take him up to the mountains in a jeep. Those were good times. But things would get a little shaky during his teenage years. Rumors began to spread, and false accusations, it got ugly, to the point where Justin was being bullied, harassed, and threatened at school and around town. It would all be too much, facing an angry mob of teens, and out of fear, Justin shut himself off. Dropping out of school, refusing to go out in public, staying inside, and out of sight. Reflecting back, Justin shares some of his inner dialogue, during those times. His emotions, pain, fears, and even the destructive habits that followed. Heavy drinking, gambling, and depression. Destroying his health, relationships, and motivation to even want to live at one point. Justin eventually hit a wall, and became sick of the person he'd become, and was desperate for change. This lead him to take the steps he felt necessary to get sober, in order to start putting his life back on track. He's now enjoying life on his terms, being creative, free, traveling, and enjoying a healthy relationship with both his daughters. I'm pleased to welcome another GIANT AMONTS US. Til next time and very soon, PEACE!! IF YOU FOUND VALUE IN THE SHOW, STAMP US WITH A RATING ON YOUR WAY OUT. AND TELL A FRIEND TO TELL A FRIEND. _____ Justin : Amazon Book : https://www.amazon.com/There-Are-Ghosts-These-Pages-ebook/dp/B0CWCKDF1B/ref=sr_1_4?sr=8-4 Spotify Music : https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Z4airQQ1Vr1aI0eztnX1j Podcast : https://open.spotify.com/show/7wgQYdYhV1YNzDayaop5tJ Pillow Pals Podcast Linktree : https://linktr.ee/pillowpalspod?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaYrZwW7YE87pQoXq4cXlRQ-9wgDAXNvDbEisn_etqVrrQfh52QW1YiWuPk_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw _____ More of Giants Amongst Us : Hosting Site : https://media.rss.com/giants-amongst-us/feed.xml Show Updates & Extras : buymeacoffee.com/Giantsamongstus Share Your Story : giantsamongstus@tutanota.com Youtube : https://youtube.com/@GiantsAmongstUs?si=1ZUiC8zQNDcIsYKI _____ Background music by : @bnoizemusic

  • Cancer Twice, And A Bone Marrow Transplant, My Story || Jonathan

    Cancer Twice, And A Bone Marrow Transplant, My Story || Jonathan

    Real stories, told by real people. It's great to be back to share another story with you all. I certainly do hope this finds you in good spirits. Today Jonathan joins us, and he's got a story to tell. Originally from Ecuador. Life as a kid was pretty normal for Jonathan. He played soccer, hung out with friends, and enjoyed time around his family. At 12, physically he started to notice a few things go wrong. And from there, life as he knew it. Would never be the same. Countless hospital visits, and large amounts of money spent in order to find a treatment for his condition, would yield no results. Eventually, with nothing really, but the clothes on their back, Jonathan and his mother would move to Canada. Seeking any kind of medical assistance that might save his life. Almost dying on the way there. He would after a long process, arrive in Canada and was immediately admitted into a children's hospital to be treated for his Leukemia. Surviving cancer twice, and going through a bone marrow transplant. Of the 10 people who underwent the surgery at the same time as Jonathan, only 2 are still alive today. Through all his pain, the side effects from chemo therapy and radiation, graft versus host disease, and a long list of other physical sufferings he's had to endure. He's still hopeful for the future, and is doing much better, considering everything he's been through. A big part of why he's still here, aside from medical staff and all their support, along with the treatment, is his mother. Talk about the unconditional and unwavering love a mother can have for her child. Jonathan shares every bit of that with us today. In his own words, "she was the only reason I kept fighting and held on." He also made it a point to acknowledge and show gratitude offline towards the donor (from Germany) who was he's perfect match which made the bone marrow transplant possible, and a success. Jonathan might be the first to give someone else credit before he does himself, but today, we're going to honor this man's courage, and resilient spirit. You're without question, another GIANT AMONGST US. May the thoughts, well wishes, and prayers of those who listen to your story and are moved by it, find you, to bring comfort, peace, and promising days to come. 'Til next time and very soon, PEACE!! IF YOU FOUND VALUE IN THE SHOW, STAMP US WITH A RATING ON YOUR WAY OUT. AND TELL A FRIEND TO TELL A FRIEND. _____ Jonathan : Email : jonyx072792@gmail.com _____ More of Giants Amongst Us : Website : https://giantsamongstus.com Show Updates & Extras : buymeacoffee.com/Giantsamongstus Share Your Story : giantsamongstus@tutanota.com Youtube : https://youtube.com/@GiantsAmongstUs?si=1ZUiC8zQNDcIsYKI _____ Background music by : @bnoizemusic

  • A Debilitating Sleep Disorder And What I Did Trying To Overcome The Problems Faced || Ethan

    A Debilitating Sleep Disorder And What I Did Trying To Overcome The Problems Faced || Ethan

    Real stories, told by real people. As always it's good to be back. Hope you all are doing well. I'm happy to introduce to another guest. Today, Ethan joins us and he has a story to tell. In school, everything came pretty easy for Ethan. His teachers considered him gifted. But, not too long into high school, he started noticing a change - depression, feeling sluggish and tired all day, brain fog, problems with sleep. His condition wouldn't get better, and he found himself struggling socially, shying away from people, he felt awkward, overwhelmed with anxiety, which was a startling contrast to how he was as a child. This led him down a year long journey trying to figure out what it was that was affecting him mentally, physically, emotionally. And despite all his efforts - engaging in hobbies, intermittent fasting, changes in diet, psychotherapy, his condition seemed to only get worse. Eventually, he stumbled upon a condition, and things started to click. Upper Airway resistance syndrome, which is a type of sleep apnea. And something I wasn't too familiar with prior to our conversation. Ethan's going to walk us through how this type of sleep apnea affect every aspect of his life. What may of caused it, some of the ways he's tried to cope with it, including a past surgery, and a big motivation as to why he has fought tooth and nail, being totally pro active in his road to recovery, and his big why being music. So here goes, another GIANTS AMONGST US. Hope you all enjoy the conversation today. 'Til next time and very soon, PEACE!! IF YOU FOUND VALUE IN THE SHOW, STAMP US WITH A RATING ON YOUR WAY OUT. AND TELL A FRIEND TO TELL A FRIEND. _____ Ethan : Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/42Es7nle2xppSfW0O9jMhg?si=Hm00T5_DRM-dtw8lrsjpUQ Youtube : https://open.spotify.com/artist/42Es7nle2xppSfW0O9jMhg?si=Hm00T5_DRM-dtw8lrsjpUQ Bandcamp : originofstyx.bandcamp.com Soundcloud : soundcloud.com/originofstyx Patreon : patreon.com/OriginOfStyx _____ More of Giants Amongst Us : Website : https://giantsamongstus.com Show Updates & Extras : buymeacoffee.com/Giantsamongstus Share Your Story : giantsamongstus@tutanota.com Youtube : https://youtube.com/@GiantsAmongstUs?si=1ZUiC8zQNDcIsYKI _____ Background music by : @bnoizemusic Intro track by Origin of Styx : https://youtu.be/uZk5iXuwYv8?si=DHIbeDkT0wF1jLjk

  • Violence, Abuse, And A Child's Pain, How To Let Go, And Build Anew || D'Angelo Stefani

    Violence, Abuse, And A Child's Pain, How To Let Go, And Build Anew || D'Angelo Stefani

    Real stories, told by real people. We're back with another one, I hope this finds you all in good spirits. Today D'Angelo joins us, and he's got a story to tell. Life as a child was rough for D'Angelo. An abusive home, full of violence, drugs, and instability. D'Angelo took to the streets at the tender age of 11, to escape the abuse at home. He was hurting, afraid, and longing for acceptance in love. From juvenile halls throughout his adolescence to becoming a registered nurse as an adult. Working in trauma units, while still struggling with his own childhood trauma. D'Angelo eventually found himself in the belly of the beast, addicted to drugs, robbing banks, and then came an 11 year prison bid. What happened during his incarceration? How did he handle those demons which haunted him for so long? D'Angelo opens up and talks about some of these questions. He also has his book - ‘On My Own-Reflecting on Yesterday' , a memoir now available. There's children books he's working on, educational material on addiction. Writing, and penning has been therapy for him. This is about redemption, and not being bound to the past. After all D'Angelo's been through, he made it out the other side, bringing hope with him, and embracing a new day. I'm pleased to introduce another GIANTS AMONGST US. Enjoy the Show. 'Til next time and very soon, PEACE!! IF YOU FOUND VALUE IN THE SHOW, STAMP US WITH A RATING ON YOUR WAY OUT. AND TELL A FRIEND TO TELL A FRIEND. _____ D'Angelo Stefani : On My Own: Reflecting on Yesterday : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CY9T9GB5 Website: www.dangelostefani.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/boston2tulsa Email: dangelo@dangelostefani.com _____ More of Giants Amongst Us : Website : https://giantsamongstus.com Show Updates & Extras : buymeacoffee.com/Giantsamongstus Share Your Story : giantsamongstus@tutanota.com Youtube : https://youtube.com/@GiantsAmongstUs?si=1ZUiC8zQNDcIsYKI _____ Multispective Podcast : Website : https://www.multispective.org/ Youtube : https://www.multispective.org/ Instagram : instagram.com/multispectiveorg Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6Ww9d7Hmq6CfdKwN21CC09?si=8250d55251ac47d8 _____ Background music by : @bnoizemusic

  • The Highs And Lows Of Addiction, Homelessness, And Jail Time To Sobriety And Starting A Business || Peter

    The Highs And Lows Of Addiction, Homelessness, And Jail Time To Sobriety And Starting A Business || Peter

    Real stories, told by real people. It's good to be back with another edition of the Show. Hope you all are in good spirits. Today Peter joins us, and he's got a story to tell. Peter comes from humble beginnings "I grew up off grid....like solar power house....my dad would haul water, and pump it up this huge hill." He would ride bikes, build mini bikes, wreck a few every now and then. It was an interesting childhood, but beautiful with two loving parents. Unfortunately, Peter would lose his mother to breast cancer. He was only 12 years old when his mother passed away. Struggling with grief, and losing his mother, he started acting out. Although, Peter would be the first to tell you that's no excuse for his actions. Things would eventually escalate. From smoking weed, and stealing cars to meth and heroin addiction. Peter's life quickly stared to spiral out of control. His addiction took him down a dark path of selling dope, robbing, people over dosing around him, being on the streets, hustling for his next high and then hitting a wall - county jail. Peter's made some BIG changes in life since then. He's started an LLC, owning a business and pushing to hit six figures this year. Plus he's sober. I'd like to introduce another GIANT AMONGST US, and let Peter's story remind you, that it's never too late. 'Til next time and very soon, PEACE!! _____ More of Giants Amongst Us : Website : https://giantsamongstus.com Show Updates & Extras : buymeacoffee.com/Giantsamongstus Share Your Story : giantsamongstus@tutanota.com Youtube : https://youtube.com/@GiantsAmongstUs?si=1ZUiC8zQNDcIsYKI _____ Background music by : @bnoizemusic