Escape From Sonder

por Brigham

Escape From Sonder is a DnD podcast created by a group of friends who have a strong desire to listen to themselves talks for hours.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Back to RoseFord

    Back to RoseFord

    After traveling to the Spooks home and informing him of the fey lights, are players head back to the small town of RoseFord.

  • A Message For The Spook

    A Message For The Spook

    This week on Escape From Sonder our players venture into the fields of the Chime Hills to find the Spook.

  • EFS Plot: Episode 1

    EFS Plot: Episode 1

    The first Session of the Campaign!.....The one with poor audio... ANYWAY we are introduced to our players! Bakuda a Human who likes to unveil the mysteries of enchanting from the kingdom of Romose. Rico a Lucent who searches for treasures from the Sands of the Tahlama desert. Zasheir a half elf wondering where the gods went, hailing from the land of Elvspirth. Then theres Rosko a fearsome human bounty hunter with a bone to pick with those who are running from the law. She calls the small town of Deadwood her home. What can we expect from these players, will they discover the deeper secrets of this realm.