Eldritch Girl: Weird Gothic Stuff & NonsenseExplícito

por CM Rosens

Welcome to Pagham-on-Sea, where I provide the free audio versions of my fiction in full as readlong weekly serials, with short fiction and author interviews as bonus content.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 3

  • The Day We Ate Grandad: Chapter 21 & Epilogue

    The Day We Ate Grandad: Chapter 21 & Epilogue

    A double bill for the final episode of the season: the bonus episode will follow! The showdown is upon the Triad, and as Wes finally gets his priorities straight, the new gods are taking no prisoners. Today is the day they eat Grandad. Support my podcast by pledging a monthly substack donation, or by tipping me on Ko-Fi/joining my Ko-Fi membership! CWs: emesis, violence, trypophobia, drug/alcohol use Intro/Outro Theme Music: Gemma Dyer

  • The Day We Ate Grandad: Chapter 20

    The Day We Ate Grandad: Chapter 20

    Wes guiltily fulfils Ricky’s last request even though he goes through with his betrayal… but is it too late? Support my podcast by pledging a monthly substack donation, or by tipping me on Ko-Fi/joining my Ko-Fi membership! CWs: emesis, gore Intro/Outro Theme Music: Gemma Dyer

  • The Day We Ate Grandad: Chapter 19

    The Day We Ate Grandad: Chapter 19

    Ricky sees through Wes’s subterfuge and is not impressed; Katy steps up and leads the exile ritual, but the night ends on a worrying note. Support my podcast by pledging a monthly substack donation, or by tipping me on Ko-Fi/joining my Ko-Fi membership! CWs: sheep death, body horror Intro/Outro Theme Music: Gemma Dyer

  • The Day We Ate Grandad: Chapter 18


    The Day We Ate Grandad: Chapter 18


    Theo finally meets the Faceless Man, and the family is decimated by their gods. Wes makes a (bad) drunk/power-drunk decision. Support my podcast by pledging a monthly substack donation, or by tipping me on Ko-Fi/joining my Ko-Fi membership! CWs: dub con (m/m, interrupted), gore, body horror, alcohol, brainwashed cultist POV Intro/Outro Theme Music: Gemma Dyer

  • The Day We Ate Grandad: Chapter 17

    The Day We Ate Grandad: Chapter 17

    Wes finds his power addictive, and shows his family what he’s capable of. Support my podcast by pledging a monthly substack donation, or by tipping me on Ko-Fi/joining my Ko-Fi membership! CWs: body horror, violence, alcohol Intro/Outro Theme Music: Gemma Dyer