
por Deen Talk Official

Inspiration and motivation through powerful and engaging discussions. Weekly podcasts on everything Islam with scholars, business leaders and community members

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Ramadan Reflections: Turning to Allah in repentance (tauba)

    Ramadan Reflections: Turning to Allah in repentance (tauba)

    Join us as we discuss ending this blessed month by turning to Allah in repentance.

  • Ramadan Reflection; Leading Taraweeh

    Ramadan Reflection; Leading Taraweeh

    A conversation with local huffaz leading Taraweeh, its challenges and their journey

  • Spiritual Heart: Pride and its Remedy

    Spiritual Heart: Pride and its Remedy

    Pride and arrogance are destroyers of faith – it deeply cuts into one’s spirituality and can damage another’s feeling of well-being and happiness as well. Join us to discuss this spiritual illness & it’s treatment. (Will be in English & Bangla) Follow DeenTalk on Instagram

  • Fix Your Spiritual Heart

    Fix Your Spiritual Heart

    Anger management in Islam, how do we approach fixing this and the problems both spiritually and emotionally with anger

  • Monthly News Roundup

    Monthly News Roundup

    Topics include the media bias, digesting information online, Andrew Tate and YouTube Shaykhs as well as a reflection on the World Cup!