Mindfulness for the Discerning Lawyer with Emily Nagisa Keehn

CLEs You Actually Want to Hear por Beverly Hills Bar Association

Notas del episodio

Mindfulness has been widely adopted in the legal profession as an empirically sound wellness intervention. Despite this, the needle has not really shifted: lawyers remain as stressed out as ever. Do these techniques really work? Are they not being taught and practiced in the “right” way?

This program asks lawyers to look at mindfulness as something that goes far beyond merely stress reduction, and as a practice to develop discernment, practical wisdom, and live your life and practice law in a way that honors your own humanity and the humanity of others.

Audio versions of Beverly Hills Bar Association programs are eligible for Self-Study CLE credit in California. Visit www.bhba.org/podcasts for more information.

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Palabras clave
CLEContinuing Legal EducationAttorneyWellnessstressMeditation