Christian Combatives

por Paladin Actual

Equip yourself for theological warfare; the battle of ideas surrounding Christianity and truth rages daily, let's get you set up to defend, define, and understand your faith as well as that of others.

Christian Combatives is a Video and Podcast project from a Lutheran pastor, Army Chaplain, and Marine Corps veteran to encourage competence and confidence in the Christian faith by engaging with Scripture to respond to a  ... 

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Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • Scatterbrain Bible Study on (Titus)

    Scatterbrain Bible Study on (Titus)

    In this study I talk about: The different titles in the Bible that are used for pastors. Different ways that pastors were trained and called historically. The struggles with the Judaizers in the early church. Paul picking on the Cretans. Using the Word of God both to cut with the law, and heal with the Gospel. Going through the example of King David repenting after being given the Law by Nathan. We talk about slavery, and how Christian slaves are to behave, we use Joseph in the Old Testament as an example to look at.

  • Scatterbrain Bible Study on (2 Timothy 4)

    Scatterbrain Bible Study on (2 Timothy 4)

    In this study I talk about: The new church banner we have that says "I am the vine, you are the branches" and how much I that verse has really come to mean in my life. God allowing suffering in our lives for some unseen future purpose. The danger of being too comfortable in life. That it is so important to be ready to talk about the Bible and think on God's Word all the time. How some churches try to preach only positive self-esteem messages and run from rebuking sin. People collecting pastors who only say the kinds of things they want to hear.

  • Scatterbrain Biblestudy - 2 Timothy 3 10-17

    Scatterbrain Biblestudy - 2 Timothy 3 10-17

    In this study I talk about: Persecution in the Christian church throughout history. The story of Elijah running away from Jezebel in fear, and God ministering to him in the wilderness. The God-breathed nature of Scripture. The Concept of Sola Scriptura in contrast to the Roman Catholic approach to determining theology. The role and beauty of Christian traditions, even if they aren't absolutely binding on Christians to practice.

  • Scatterbrain Bible Study on (2 Timothy 1-2)

    Scatterbrain Bible Study on (2 Timothy 1-2)

    In this study I talk about: The Olympics drama, and whether or not Christians should react, or how Christians should react to the blasphemy of the secular world Is the Christian God weak because He died on the cross? Should we be shocked that pagans act like pagans? We should respond in Christian love. The devil targets Christianity, but spares other religions, because he hates the truth, and is happy to let lies continue.

  • Scatterbrain Bible Study on (1 Timothy 6:11-end)

    Scatterbrain Bible Study on (1 Timothy 6:11-end)

    In this study I talk about: The unbiblical "Forgive and forget" that isn't commanded in Scripture; how we regard forgiven people vs how God regards them. How God perceives us as forgiven people. We talk about the "Judge not" (Matthew 7) verse quite a bit, how it is misunderstood and how we should understand it. We talk about seeing God, and theophanies, a fun word. We talk about how to know if something that appears to you is God, from God, or contrary to God.