Christian Meditation Moments

por Tom Beeson

As Christians, it is our heartfelt desire to meditate on scripture each day. The word of God changes and shapes our lives. It gives us hope and strength. Here are some scriptures to think about and ponder as you go throughout your day. Visit us online at RSSVERIFY

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • Proverbs 23 Wise Saying #15 - Listen and be wise

    Proverbs 23 Wise Saying #15 - Listen and be wise

    So listen, my son, and be wise. Always be careful to follow the right path. Don’t make friends with people who drink too much wine and eat too much food. Those who eat and drink too much become poor. They sleep too much and end up wearing rags.

  • Proverbs 23 Wise Saying #14 - respect the Lord

    Proverbs 23 Wise Saying #14 - respect the Lord

    Never envy evil people, but always respect the Lord. This will give you something to hope for that will not disappoint you.

  • Proverbs 23 Wise Saying #13 - The Right Thing

    Proverbs 23 Wise Saying #13 - The Right Thing

    My son, it makes me happy when you make a wise decision. It makes me feel good inside when you say the right things.

  • Proverbs 23 Wise Saying #12 - Steer Their Course

    Proverbs 23 Wise Saying #12 - Steer Their Course

    Always correct children when they need it. If you spank them, it will not kill them. 14 In fact, you might save their lives.

  • Proverbs 23 Wise Saying #11 - Listen to your teacher

    Proverbs 23 Wise Saying #11 - Listen to your teacher

    Listen to your teacher and learn all you can.