The Sickest of all is our Health Care System itself, making our people sicker and our economy suffer

America's Healthcare Advocate por Cary Hall

Notas del episodio

"In the US, we have created the sick care system, the system that benefits from our people being sick. And the reason for that is that their health care is delivered through 5000 financial institutions called hospitals".

Our guest is Dr Firouz Daneshgari, who has a most unique idea. He is someone who's really experienced what it's like on the inside of National Health Care systems and he has an incredible plan to make our health care system, and our citizens healthy.

I think once you hear him for a few minuts, you'll be hooked. I was!

This is season 20, episode 31

To learn more, visit:

Dr. Firouz Daneshgari has written a book: Health Guard ... 

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Palabras clave
affordable healthcare acthealthcare costaffordable healthcareamericas healthcare advocatemanage healthcare costemployee healthcareemployer healthcare cost reductionhealth in our communitiesworkplace healthhealth