Notas del episodio
Hi everyone!!! Welcome back to the show. We hope you enjoy Season Two, and we are kicking it off with a live tarot reading from Mayra of "It's Beyond the Moon" & welcome back Ginnie Mae Trias. We are super excited to have her read our host Bobbi Dean in Season Two's First episode. We hope you'll enjoy it!! Please share it with a friend and let us know if you want to see more of this style of content.
Please follow the show @BOBBisWRLD
our lovely co-host of today's episode @ItsBeyondtheMoon -Mayra
& @GinnieMaeTrias -Ginnie Mae & her bikini line @MilkNhoney.Bikinis
Palabras clave
bobbi`s worldbobbi deanbobbideanbobbiswrldBOBBi`s WLRDbobbisworldtarottarot readingpick a card