Ada Bible Church Podcast

por Ada Bible Church

Weekly teachings by Ada Bible Church pastors. Additional resources are available at

Episodios del podcast

  • Is Jesus Worth Following? | The Controversial Party

    Is Jesus Worth Following? | The Controversial Party

    Pastor Aaron Buer continues the "Is Jesus Worth Following?" series by discussing Jesus's interactions at a dinner party. In this message, we explore the difference between being a fan and a follower of Jesus. We discover that following Jesus means leaving some things behind. We are challenged to admit our need for Jesus and extend his mercy to others. We are encouraged to let Jesus lead in every area of our lives.

  • Is Jesus Worth Following? | The Authority Figure

    Is Jesus Worth Following? | The Authority Figure

    Pastor Jeff Manion continues our Is Jesus Worth Following? sermon series by examining Jesus's authority and identity. We explore Jesus's power over nature, demons, sickness and sin, revealing his divine identity. This authority challenges us to see Jesus as more than just a teacher but as Lord over every aspect of our lives. We're invited to trust Jesus in our storms, confront areas of resistance and follow Him wholeheartedly.

  • Is Jesus Worth Following? | Decisions at the Dock

    Is Jesus Worth Following? | Decisions at the Dock

    Pastor Jeff Manion begins our "Is Jesus Worth Following?" sermon series by exploring Jesus's powerful miracles and challenging teachings. We witness Jesus's compassion as he heals suffering. Through Jesus, we see God's heart for wholeness in every aspect of our lives. We are challenged to consider our response to Jesus's powerful authority, weighing our security and affections against the call to wholehearted discipleship.

  • Politics and Unity | Unity

    Politics and Unity | Unity

    Pastor John Dickson concludes our Politics and Unity sermon series by exploring the concept of Christian humility and unity. We examine how the Trinity serves as the ultimate model for unity in diversity and how this should shape our community as believers. We are challenged to adopt Christ's mindset of humility, being passive in self-promotion but active in serving others. We learn that this countercultural approach to humility should influence how we treat fellow believers and non-believers and our political engagement and voting patterns. We are reminded that our primary citizenship is God's kingdom, calling us to reflect Christ's sacrificial love in our increasingly polarized world.

  • Politics and Unity | Citizens of Another Place

    Politics and Unity | Citizens of Another Place

    Guest speaker Pastor John Dickson continues our Politics and Unity sermon series by examining the concept of our primary citizenship. We explore how our primary allegiance should be to God's Kingdom rather than earthly political systems. Through Paul's letter to the Philippians, we learn that as citizens of heaven, we are called to prioritize the progress of the gospel and the practice of love. We are challenged to view our political engagement through the lens of our true citizenship, letting Jesus's teachings guide our interactions with those who hold different views.